What a fantastic and social weekend we had. Friday night we popped over to friends for pizza and Children in Need, on Saturday we headed over to lovely Lewes for a coffee, and on Sunday we drove to Chichester for a Thai Dinner for our friends 30th Birthday.
That was the plan anyway...but Saturday ended up turning from a lunch time coffee into a whole 12 hours of lovely conversations, copious amounts of red wine, a walk around Lewes castle and several pubs.
It is so nice when days like Saturday happen and that you end up having such a lovely time that you just end up spending the whole day together. My friend Harriet and I had decided to have a coffee and then, realising our other halves had never met, we invited them along.
We headed to the Pelham Arms for lunch where I indulged in a very tasty burger and some wine. After lunch I made the executive decision that not drinking wasn't fun at all and that leaving the car in Lewes for the night was the best idea! It certainly was!
After lunch we wandered to Lewes Arms, a gorgeous little pub hidden behind the castle for some wine and to meet friends, after which we headed to the lovely Kings Head for more Merlot.
As if we hadn't eaten and drunk enough we shared a lovely Dinner with Harriet and Ellis at Pailin Thai Restaurant, Station Street, and then headed back to theirs for some late night board games and popcorn!
What a wonderful weekend, and I'm very much a believer that the unplanned, impromptu weekends are often the best.
Merlot at the Pelham Arms |
Harriet and Me at the Lewes Castle Gates |
So many lovely hidden gems to discover in Lewes |