Friday, 23 May 2014

New Home Editions

Really pleased with some of the new editions to the house that I got for my birthday last month.  I had blogged about this gorgeous John Lewis lamp before and Bean saw it, bought it, and gave it to me for my birthday! How lush!

This gorgeous Emma Bridgewater Honey and Marmelade jar was given to me my Bean's best friend, who always puts 110% into present buying.  This she bought to go with the Emma Bridgewater glass Jug and Cups that she had given us as a wedding present.

Fantastic new teapot, from Forlife that has an in-built strainer for making tea from loose tea leaves.

Monday, 19 May 2014

The Family Feeling

Picture from here

I've always wanted a baby. I've always wanted to be a mum. Nothing in the whole has ever made me happier than the idea of having a baby.

In this first year of marriage though I have found myself, not just wanting a baby, but wanting a family.  Not only do I want a baby, but I want to have G's baby. I want to join us together even more by having something that inevitably links us forever.  Something that we get to make and share; and believe me that's saying something for me as I'm not one for sharing!

The fact that now we are married and in the process of getting a house sorted means that I am ever so much closer to having a baby.

I am trying to have a healthier lifestyle and I am planning to do the Brighton marathon again in 2015 to help me lose weight and then am hoping to fall pregnant after that.

The idea that it may not happen is niggling in the back of my mind, but fingers crossed there aren't any underlying issues that would mean our fertility isn't great.  

Here's to drinking less, smoking less, getting fitter and getting up the duff!!!