Tuesday 29 October 2013


Feeling totally inspired this year to embrace the Halloween Season.  I have never really done Halloween before, as we grew up in the countryside we never really went Trick or Treating, and it just wasn't something as a family we embraced.  Since meeting G we have never really celebrated Halloween either as it falls two days after his birthday so we always celebrate that instead

However, this year I wanted to try something new and embraced that fact that the two fall within days of each other and took over G's party ideas and through a fantastic Halloween party.  I have been inspired over the last couple of years having read the fantastic Cupcakes and Cashmere as Halloween plays a prominent part of the year.  This post especially made me want to embrace all things food for the Halloween holiday.

As I lost my job last Friday I embraced being at home (along with applying for lots of jobs) and did all things party!  I themed our food, made lots of Halloween craft decorations and generally got excited about the season.

I think my favourite additions to the party were the pepper puking chutney, the raspberry and milk jelly brain (mould from Asda), and silver skull candles from Asda.

Happy Halloween folks x

(and Happy Birthday G)

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