Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Where have you been...

Wow I haven't written for nearly a month! I'm so sorry to those who have been following me.  

It has been a month full of things - spending time with the family, weekends away and a super super busy period at work.  Work has really taken off and I am really enjoying it.  I have been up to London a couple of times a week for the last few weeks, which has meant by the time I get home, I've got no energy for blogging.  

I can't believe that Autumn is here already, but I am definitely loving the chill in the air.  Bring on the winter wardrobe.  I must say I'm never truly enamored by my summer wardrobe.  I love the colours, layers and cosy materials of Autumn/Winter.

We have a hectic few weeks ahead with a Wedding next weekend and then the 30th Birthday celebrations of my gorgeous sister, but hopefully I will find time to bring the last month to you - a trip to Edinburgh, Jam Making, first harvest from the Green house and some amazing vintage London finds.

The one thing that I never relish enough in the Summer is the length of the days.  With the light fading before 8pm now I do find it hard to get motivated in the evening and do try and aim not to fall asleep before 9pm!!

How do you motivate yourself after the sun goes down so early?

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