This week was a bit of a funny one for me. How was yours?
Monday felt like a long, long way away from the weekend and on Tuesday I travelled up to Manchester for work. I really enjoy travelling and seeing new places but it does always mean an early start and a late night. On Wednesday and Thursday I came down with a bit of a tummy bug and had Thursday off sick from work.
Its horrid being poorly but I had a day on the sofa wrapped up in my quilt and a day at home meant that I was there to see a little visitor in my garden. We've seen urban foxes around and about our house before by never in broad day light before. This little fox was happily sunning himself on the decking and was in no hurry to leave. I wonder if maybe he comes to visit quite often and we just aren't here to see him.
I decided to try something a bit different with my hair this week and go for a sweeping side fringe and a side plait. It's always nice to try something new - especially when so many people commented on how nice it looked. I think I'll try this again!
I've been wanting a pair of diamond stud earrings for a while and these ones from Accessorize are really classic and were only £10 for 2 pairs.
I am also really pleased that I've finally got round to clearing our dining table and setting it up with our Emma Bridgewater Wedding crockery. It's funny how setting the table with cups and crockery really helps finish off a room. I was also really pleased with these gingham place mats which I got super cheap from Butlers in the close down sale of their Brighton Store.

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