Monday, 4 November 2013

When you need some inspiration

I must admit I'm getting a bit stir crazy not having a job. I'm really loving the time to tidy and clean the house, make fun craft bits, do some painting and blog loads more but everyday I'm sitting in doors and I'm missing having people to talk to.
I had to get out the house and was delighted that I did as I discovered Marmalade.  This is a newly open coffee shop about 10mins walk from my house and it's lovely. I treated myself to a latte (soya as I'm trying 2 weeks without dairy) but I was sooo tempted by the lunch time pies, cakes and selection of breads.

The fact that my take out latte came in a pink cup was perhaps the most exciting thing of all! Marmelade I will definitely be visiting you again!

I feel happier this afternoon now I've seen something new and had a bit of exercise and fresh air- I almost feel like I could go for a nap!

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